Social Issues in the World starts from SIN

The statement is bold. As we evolved through the industrial revolution and now with a lot of technology breakthrough, more and more Social Issues arise, most likely to be contributed by the gap between knowledge and money, widely influenced from Information Technology. It’s also greatly supported by James Martin who is an author to “The Meaning of 21st Century” which brings us great pessimistic view that if the Y generation can bring us through, even the first half of this century.

This video already illustrates the wide gap, there is no need to address where they are but they are just around us. It’s unfair to everyone and injustice because we are nowhere to judge on all the daily sins we do. So yes I mention that every social issue in the world start from SIN.

1. Starting off with the Problem : Sin.

To paraphrase it, I think we could say most of us do thinks unethical. Most of us in university wouldn’t realize because we are still in the education years while financially being supported, but when working life starts. Money often becomes a struggle and sometimes impression matters for them too. Thus comes in a lot of unethical way of earning money, destroying or taking other credits indirectly without us knowing.

“As it is written, There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one” – Rom 3:10-12

It’s, of course, hard to say to be completely clean or to count how many sins we count. But for sure if everyone plays well by the rule of not committing sins, then the world social issues will definitely lessen.

2. Solving the Problem: The SAVIOUR

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”  – John 3:16

One of the way to really help this social issue is to build up the optimistic view in most of these discriminated people. It’s always nice to help someone and to make them feel confident and good, but when God’s word enter into a person’s spirit, then it’s like teaching a person how to fish.

3. The SAVIOUR’s Mission:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” – Luke 4:18-19

The ultimate cure to many social issues is to rise the sound of Hope. I mean you see so many discriminations here and there, environmental issues etc. As Christians with our ethical ways of doing things hopefully, I hope more people can receive this hope.

4) Gospel vs Social Concern? Which one comes first? 

Often for Christians, our juggles are what to really focus on,Gospel or Social Concern? Some of us we love to go into volunteering for good social works, however, I feel if we don’t share the good news of God, it’s really something not sustainable. God has many says about the world he created. And often it’s better if we put God into the context of social works, obviously because everything in this world revolves around us. Otherwise, we tend to take the Glory of these social works to ourselves rather than God.

Still don’t get whatever I said? Rich and Poor. Biggest Issue.


God, Bless this World.