10 Aspects Architects Looks in Designing a Building

I was in Singapore’s Marina Barrage. A great testimony of design embeds the function of a building into the surrounding appreciation and offering mixed use to its users.

There was this talk from AR WEE from DNA Design Network Architects which is based in Sarawak, Malaysia. He shared his in sights on designing with the architecture students in USM last week. Hereby I would like to share his sharing which pretty much sums up everything. He did present them with his firm’s portfolios, though, but hereby I think this is sufficient enough =)

1) SITE RESPONSE- Design and planning in response to orientation and geographical elements that exist in the site including existing building and structure.

2) SITE GEOMETRY – Sometimes that shape of the site and site elements drive the project design; forming plans, creating vistas and site texture.

3) BUILDING PROGRAM – The project brief sometimes provides the catalyst right at the start of the project. This may be may due to an unusual combination of functions.

4) APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY – to use the right type of construction for the project. This is dependent on the locality, site access, availability of resources and skill.

5) BUILDING ASSEMBLY/DETAILING – to accentuate a particular type of construction method, highlighting details and the use of a specific material for construction.

6) PLACEMAKING- creating spaces where people can meet and socialize, and create a sense of place and community. Buildings are the backdrop to this activity and frame these public spaces on , etc.

7) TROPICALISM – designing in line with the conditions and culture prevalent in the tropics- the heat and humidity, the rain and vegetation.

8) TYPOLOGY– the thinking of that the type of building would determine its form and appearance.

9) ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLINESS – this can be done in many ways including the use of local materials, passive cooling, a good insulation.

10) SUSTAINABILITY– we perhaps think along the lines of sufficiency in material usage, finishes and extent of site coverage, also of making use of what we have in hand. The adaptive reuse of buildings can be considered as being environmentally friendly as well.

Overall I think these are the general fields on how architects could define themselves with. By any philosophy making, it wouldn’t run out from these 10 contexts. So I guess by taking note these 10 aspects when designing your building. you certainly could discover something useful =) Cheers. that’s the passion of designing.