Climate Change Mitigation: Still Beyond the Cautious of Malaysia

“So what? Does it affect me yet? Not at all!” That’s what I hear sometimes when I try to explain about climate change to others. It’s been years since I get my own interest in climate change or sustainable designs or lifestyle issues. One thing that most of the environmental activist find hard to do in Malaysia, is to find the point of relevance to talk about climate change to people. I personally think one solid fact is that Malaysia has yet to face Climate Change damages, that could cause the nation billions of dollars, hence affecting the economy, and making the people feel the real pinch we are talking about that will affect the economy. So yea anything that links up to money, in the end, made it relevant itself to anyone.

Oh but wait, we did have “natural disasters”. We did not have earthquake nor tsunami at that big scale so far… but we had super heavy rainfall (refer to the left) we do know that in Malaysia various parts we had serious floods last year. And apparently, the nation was so expecting it that the government has predicted it and mobilized the villagers, and also coordinated all the ad-hoc, logistics, and medical supplies. That sounds well versed, but not at all, the flood we faced as we know is not frequent until these years, especially monsoon season, we do know it has to do with climate change. ( I wouldn’t explain the scientific part here)… 

But I said it hasn’t made relevant. Because the majority of the people are in Urban areas in the west. But oh wait we did have one too, in our capital city, Looks familiar?

It was lesser than two days, unlike Bangkok which took months to recover. And when you really have a natural disaster strike your country hard, you will have coverage of media not only for the event that happened but the following effects.. such as financial breakdown, diseases, people went missing and all the others. What I am talking about is Malaysia is seriously one safe country for now. Just look at the diagram below. Thanks to MapleCroft Firm

“It’s no surprise to learn that all of the highly vulnerable countries are developing nations and approximately two-thirds are located in Africa. Overall, a third of humanity – mostly in Africa and South Asia – face the biggest risks from climate change. Meanwhile, rich nations in northern Europe will be least exposed. The top 10 countries at risk of climate change impacts, in order of their vulnerability, are Haiti, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Cambodia, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and the Philippines, according to the Maplecroft report, which was released on October 26, 2011. Many of these countries have high population growth rates and suffer from high levels of poverty.

Six of the world’s fastest growing cities were also singled out by the CCVI as being at “extreme risk” to climate change impacts. These cities included Calcutta in India, Manila in the Philippines, Jakarta in Indonesia, Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh, and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.

It’s paradox, isn’t it? That why many conversations are going on especially the last DSDS that the Northern Atmosphere needs to help the Southern Atmosphere, or to say most advanced countries US, Europes, and Japan Korea they are all in the North that could seriously potentially find their ways to help the developing country in this, and they have the chance to help because the developing countries are with the more populations and poverty rate. While we are debating about carbon trading and signing trades at the international stage, people from countries like this are just lying helplessly thinking why is this happening to them. “”

But if you look at where Malaysia is, really, we are in the middle of “high rate”. This CCVI takes account into economy lose that affects GDP and other social aspects too. For example, some countries like Pakistan face climate damages so badly that their revenue is all about recovering from the infrastructure damages.. and when the Himalaya stops melting the ice it has to gives water into the rivers flowing out from it, imagine the billion of the population depending on it. Well, but for Malaysia? It’s soon. Typhoon? Floods? Or maybe some crazy plans in future for nuclear plant will drive things crazier..

We shall see soon.