It has been quite some time that I involve myself in this field, environmental or sustainable issues, whether some of my friends agreed upon, I have started paying the attention since the 2.5 years ago. And I guess I went through an exposure of different stages of what (generally) Environmental Activist do.
And I thought I could just share it out here. Feel free to share your experience with me too!
Grass Root Activist:
During my 1st and 2nd year of undergraduate I have seen and involve in several student environmental activist.. or campaigns or events.. whether it is a “fashion” or not but in USM itself it is seen that “sustainability” has come into a lot of scenes these few years. Grass Root student activist means student involving themselves into several awareness campaigns. Examples like you have a conference on the environment which touches on the very grass root awareness issues (where I have been joining much) , perhaps flash mob, or also green lung project, or even the YES project I started around almost 2 years ago. Or this also includes Green Drinks I suppose, events like meeting up and talk about issues and increase awareness.
Concern on Development
This area includes subsequent events coming up because of an issue. I was at the UN talk on the nuclear energy as an option for Malaysia Sustainable energy back a month ago.. I believe it’s a following up concern of Japan tragedy.. and also recently we, of course, have seen the anti-Lynas movement at a national scale.. or also the issue on KLORR Kuala Lumpur Outer Ring Road development which drew several NGOs to form a coalition to protest. This is somewhat more into public movement or the time when the press comes in.

Governance and Policies platform
My experience in this was during DSDS 2012. Where I personally think most likely it would be like how RIO20+ and past COPs have been doing. It’s a week where politicians and scholars around the world coming together to study on how Government has been doing on the environment and sustainable developments in their countries.. also in dealing with possibilities in partnership and carbon trading I suppose. Then we talked about policies making, government models, ideas. It’s more to a formal and legislative stage I suppose.
Research, Writing, and Talks.
And this is what I am currently interested in.. reading on what scholars and researchers have to say about sustainable development, and it really took me to another level by knowing the relevant knowledge such as statistics and economics on these areas. It is what I was lacking last time when I was so enthusiastic on environmental issues but little knowing what the big picture is and the reality that is playing in this world, and we need a realistic approach to overcome this. In this field we see people who are also activist in a way, they might be sitting in their office long day long without planting a tree but their studies matter to bring up an appropriate solution of sustainable development. They research, and write, and publish books with irrefutable facts and case studies, and deliver talks on the issue.
Well, Still very curious where this passion will bring me in the end, hopefully, research.. so what about you?
So yeah, these are the 4 stages I suppose I have come across, as an Architecture student myself which is interested in this issue, I affirmed myself to stop involving in activities during my final year, which is now. simply because I see myself involving more into Reading and focusing on my designs.. and also understanding what government and the world are heading to about this issue. It is nevertheless crucial for all these 4 different ‘stages’ or experience to happen together..
To me it has been a chain because I have been through it I suppose.