Have you ever felt so lost at times? even with all the wealth, you can get and achievements, but you just felt that life definitely has more than that? We are all after something that sometimes, we just don’t realize how much it means to us, it’s either we have lost ourselves, or we are chasing after it, or we have gotten it. It’s the pursuit of Happiness, or to say, an effort to obtain or secure Happiness. Everyone’s life has a simple goal, Happiness. We do what we love the most, we find our passions, we love people, we live life, it’s all part and pieces towards the pursuit of happiness. Be it related to religion or not, every single trace of life could find it answers from this simple question, of where are you at with your happiness?
I strongly agreed with Denis on that, it helped me understanding myself better, I just don’t know why every day waking up feeling so excited for life at times as if there is a reward coming to me each morning. While some of us think that happiness is so far about, but most of us are already feeling the thrill in the journey. As the quote says, it’s never about the destination, it’s always about the journey, the journey has more to offer. You and Me, we are all the same, whether you just want to be a good child or parent at home, or you want to be a successful engineer, or a well-known politician, or activist in any area, or as simple as cleaning the garbage every day, it all comes down to the same root, happiness, that fulfill us the most.
“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.”
― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
― Mother Teresa
My Pursuit towards Happiness?.. I think I am happy after all. No, I am not a millionaire, I still worry about my future financial plans as much as I surrender it to God’s plan.. No, I am not a famous person with all the fame and recognition. No, i am not someone outstanding or whatsoever.. but I am happy. I think it’s because I have something to live on in my life, I believe in myself as much as I believe in God, I think that everything is about your state of mind. Peace is not the absence of war but a state of mind, so the same goes to Happiness. You can fill with all kinds of worries but again it all comes to…
I really think that again, traveling helped me a lot. I really like this picture a lot. It’s my backpack and my camera bag.. or the small backpack then. I think that traveling is the ultimate luxury to our mind. I am not talking about the luxury of money here but whatever experience.. to read the book of the world, we have to travel the world. I am not a person born in a silver spoon family. but traveling just makes you hunger for more each time as you step into a foreign land and this can really tell you much on your pursuit of happiness.
Nope, I have never really fancy on traveling Europe or the US actually. nope I have not been there to see it myself.. but I love India the most for what the country can tell me on the pursuit of happiness. In India some people even consider themselves as Objects, as a soulless body, being discriminated by the society so badly that life has become like an object. I love these places, it brings me to the ultimate reality of life once again, it reminded me again that I step into the intramural city of Philippines last week and felt the instant wake up call of what life is really all about.
Most of us have the luxury of mobile phone.. 3G whatever.. people needs to find this tricycle with the public phone for a phone call… I think ultimately, the pursuit of happiness is a human being global common.. as I step into different part of the world, it’s all about the natural identity of human beings.. that we want to be happy with our own identity.. or finding our own identity.. I am not a psychologist.. but my point is simple.. look at the happiness of your life, and where are you at with it?
But believe me that the world could be so much better if everyone is happy. everyone is satisfied.. fulfilled with their life expectations.. don’t need to go for bribe.. corruptions.. doing unethical things.. I can be an environmental activist to speak about the environment, but the core problem is still again our own species desire.. when we are not happy, we can go for a lot of ways to deal with it.. and ending up destroying ourselves.. we have tried finding so many solutions to solve social problems which in the end created more problems.. all we really need is, Happiness for everyone, HOPE.