No Easy Way out for Change : GE13

These few weeks have been quite fruitful, I attended several public forums or meets, namely National Forum on Public Transport and also SLiM post Rio+20 meet. I really hope I could have written or blogged them on the spot, as a number of ideas generated, or new insights are rather quite interesting and limited to the public audience as you don’t get media coming to report on all these events.

This picture is taken at the Public Transportation Forum, SPAD SuruhanJayaPengangkutanAwanDarat officials are there to clarify all the questions from the public and media. I applause on this effort for government officials to come down to join the session and personally I have spoken to them to understand that they are all really keen of performing. But I came to realize an inconvenient observation on the public, and generally how the failure of public understanding or stereotyping towards the government has failed themselves.

But I came to realize an inconvenient observation on the public, and generally how the failure of public understanding or stereotyping towards the government has failed themselves.

Why do I say fail them? Many people today talk about VOTE FOR CHANGE. I am very afraid that this has imposed the impression as if voting is the solution for everything. I was once like that, but when I came to understand the act of governance in Malaysia, I realize that instead, another huge problem is the public reluctant to come to work together with the government to strive together, and continue judging and stereotyping everything related to the government is corrupted and not performing.

My intention of this post has neither to do with voting which side is right, but my message is the VOTE you cast is merely the small step of bringing change, but what matters most is your participation in this nation building.

This is very annoying because most of the public just doesn’t seem to know much about our government system, and to really understand how does their single vote can interpret into changing the entire government? Take, for instance, Rats in the House, Flood behind your house, Rubbish not collected, Public Transport Bus driver is rude… some jurisdiction of these responsibilities do not fall under your local representative but it can be federal government related or something else.

Taken in UM, Waste Management Issues in Malaysia Discussion

So what can be done? The least is to vote, and then participate in public forums, try to understand what’s happening on top and connect with them. They may have been wanting to hear from you, but maybe there’s just lack of good channel and there’s already a mental perception that blocks yourself away.

I have seen many complaints everywhere on FACEBOOK but NONE or Little has gone to the direct channel, and unless you have really tried thatm then please don’t say that the government does not do their job.

So the conclusion is yes, there is no easy way out to bring this change, everyone must participate it or he shall be an obstacle. Regardless of whichever government is taking charge, there is a need for public to go hand in hand to build this nation. I know my friends who are against the current government and keeping their votes for the opposition, but they do still work very closely with the government because they know that they have no time to wait and see if the new government can deliver the promise, they participate the promise then.

And also the public should involve themselves into community development as their ultimate responsibility before talking about Government serving them! Some things we could have done it for ourselves but we point our fingers so often to the government all the time!

BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. Familiar quote? Yes, but don’t think about just voting so much, rather be the change!