Well, so this is probably my 5th blog, alongside with many other one-off event blogs that I did during college and university years. I started blogging since the age of 14, with many trials on different platforms, such as Xanga, Blogspot, Blogdrive, Weebly… and oh! Friendster. This is my first private domain (Japhethlim.com). It’s true that writing makes you aware of the way you apprehend things as my blogging style has evolved from a naive and expressive random daily journals to one that is filled with current affair and commentary piece. No seriously, I think there are many topics for the public to interact with me than my personal beings which I keep them to the few special people!

Bike touring liberates your soul! Myanmar 2016!
Well, you are what you read, and what you write. This site is pretty much the brand of mine as well. I pen down my inner arguments and concerns. Most of the blog posts are skewed to environmental and humanity related. Some can be long winded ones with extensive scientific literature citations, some can be just one off rambling… and some can touch the personal sphere on my pragmatism and philosophy being. My blog post has hardly anything to do with my daily life updates (In fact most people consider that I have a ‘very boring life’) but clearly, I don’t dance well with most of the celebrity bloggers out there, here are 3 main reasons why I write.
To Write is To Understand and To Remember
I would literally take days or sometimes even weeks (due to procrastination!) to sit down and think through and pen down my thoughts on issues. That explains why it built up to thousand of words. But the exciting part of these blog posts is the unexpected knowledge and findings that came along. Thanks to Google who always answered my inquiries whenever needed. As I start writing, I will stumble upon a lot of random questions which lead to new findings. With all that in place, and rephrasing of thoughts and typing that down, I think I could remember better.
Sharing is Caring
I find it as an obligation to share what I have learned. While much of the info also comes from the internet, I do my part and giving back on what I learned from the ground. And it’s even more interesting to make friends over exchanging opinions online. Often, I enjoy going back to universities to share a bit or two with my juniors, which is ultimately a blessing because one can learn from sharing too. The whole point of exchanging information is not about the legitimacy of the answer but I always believe in respecting that there are many views from different people and different layer of society that sometimes, gives you a refreshing thought!
Virtual Networking Matters
That’s irrefutably true. I have made a lot of friends from writing. In fact, sometimes it made me feel that granting a connection via virtual knowledge exchanging is much meaningful than just clicking the Facebook friend request. I am glad that my previous writings have connected a lot of new friends to me. Whether they agree or not with my perspectives of answers, it does not matter, because after all, we are all for diversity in answers. There is no simple answer for everything in this world.

Sorry if the pictures of me on bike tour trips are spamming your screen, but that’s pretty much what an awesome life is all about!
Clarification on Advertisements
I welcome any advertisement or product review related to environmental sustainability, human rights, or anything you can relate with on my blog. In fact, I am very looking forward to spreading government related policies to populate the google landing pages, I did such blog post for SEDA’s FiT policy before. I would totally appreciate the chance to write something that feeds to both of my passion and the greater good. If it is a ‘green product’ review, please expect a lot of honest, critical questions from me in order to trust your product is really a solution instead of joining the green-washing bandwagon.